Thursday, September 9, 2010


As people tend to get older they like to ask questions.  Whether it be because they are curious, or nosey or maybe it's because they care.

You graduate from high school:"oh, where are you going to college?" 

You graduate from college: "Oh, what do you want to do?"

You've been dating someone for a while: "Oh, when are you two getting married?"

You get married: "Oh, when are you having kids?"

You have one: Oh , when are you having another?"

And thus as your child grows up the cycle continues... i have way expect people to start asking "oh, when are you planning on keeling over?"

But lets back up a question,  For years people asked us when we were planning on having kids.  it's been 7, 8, or 9 years.  Maybe there's a reason we haven't maybe you should shut your face.

People can be hurtful without intending or trying to.  We actually stopped going to our church, in a time when we needed that support the most, because of that question.

Just remember think before you ask a question. you never know who you could be pushing away just because, you are curious or nosey or maybe even because you care

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